Tales From Inside: A Fresh Start

Every time I have Louise (MWB’s fashion truck) out, there’s always someone (often times multiple someones) that I encounter that I can’t get out of my head for days, weeks, occasionally forever after. These people are the reason I fight the elements, brave the weather, muster the never-ending set-up, take-down, truck issues, etc. with a smile (most days🙃) and keep coming back for more. I freaking love it because of You!

You all stay on my heart for different reasons and every outing with Louise has its own special tale. I’d like to start documenting some of these special encounters because they really are what keeps me going when even my truck says, “Give up.” I hope they bring you some joy or laughter or teach a lesson or inspire you, too.

This past weekend a single mom and her two young (I’m guessing pre-teen and elementary) daughters came into Louise with a giddy wonderment that was so refreshing. I heard them outside the fashion truck before I could see them, picking up pieces and talking about what they’d do in it, how they’d look, and where they’d go. The fun carried on inside where one of the girls pointed to a t-shirt and said, “Oh Mama, that’s so you, what you say all the time!” Mama read the shirt out loud with a big nod and bigger smile, “Good things are coming.”

I came to find out the trio had just moved to Colorado from Georgia. When I asked what brought them here, Mama’s eyes lit up with the sweetest, most optimistic sparkle and huge smile, “A fresh start and better life.” Man that took me back almost two decades ago when I packed up my 18 month old son and moved the two of us here from Pennsylvania for the exact same thing. All the feels came rushing back: the euphoria of countless possibilities, weightlessness of freedom, surge in self-esteem, exhilaration of a clean slate and whole new life. I saw it all in her.

For a minute I so badly wanted to warn her what happens next: Any day now shit will get real and it will get real hard. But on the other side of that it’s all worth it. Stay strong, hold onto this hope, and don’t stop until you’ve rebuilt your life into the one of your dreams. But I didn’t want to dampen her high. She’s taken the hardest first step that most never will and she’s totally got this!

I don’t think the girls even noticed that that t-shirt actually had the word “Coming” crossed out. Folded underneath it said, “Already here.” Good things are already here. I’m so proud of you, Brave Mama!

Good Things Are Already Here tshirt at Mermaid Walking Boutique

1 comment

  • Amber

    You are such a positive and inspiring influence. Thank you for being you! <3

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